If your item is broken, please fill in the fields below so that we can help you as best as possible, and as quickly as possible.
Since in many situations we can manage the complaint processing without seeing the physical product, we ask you to fill in the fields below carefully so that we have documentation when we return to our suppliers. Complaints about manufacturing defects must be made in writing to Zederkof A/S immediately after discovery, but no later than 36 months after delivery of the goods. 2. sorting goods, the deadline is 12 months, however, only for malfunctions that are not known at the time of purchase
If your goods have been damaged during transport and you have acknowledged the waybill without reservations, this is considered in this context as your acceptance that the goods have been received without complaint. Objections must be made no later than upon delivery (you must sign the waybill with reservations) and if you do not have this, Zederkof cannot accept it as a complaint. If it concerns loss or damage that was not visible, you must send the complaint to Zederkof within 7 days of delivery, Sundays and public holidays not included. The complaint must be in writing.
Zederkof A/S recommends that the recipient always receives the goods subject to printing marks and holes in the packaging. Remember to state what the reservation is about.